Well, I have to say, prior to the class on Twitter, I had an extremely negative opinion of the medium. I thought it was just another forum for people to publish every thought that came into their heads, without consideration or critical thinking. I signed up for it because I felt that I needed to give it a fair chance, and that I should better understand how it can be used in the classroom.
At this time I would say that Twitter does have some positives: it allows many points of view to be expressed simultaneously without the usual ensuing cacophony, it transmits more information (about the opinions, knowledge of others) in a shorter amount of time, and provides an easy way for the teacher to keep track of who's paying attention and who isn't, who's struggling and who isn't.
Basically, I think Twitter is like a lot of things, useful and good in moderation.
A healthy dose of skepticism is reasonable when using technology. The "flash" of new tools can easily conceal the lack of measurable learning outcomes that could easily be achieved by simply talking, listening, and writing.